Thursday, May 29, 2014

Subversive Radio Podcast: Do I Need To Love Myself?

Jesus commands us to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. So, does that mean we need to love ourselves before we can love others? Listen as Keith explains the meaning of this passage and connects it with the Leviticus 19 teachings on the "Shalom Community".


Jerry Sledge said...

I prefer the verse where Jesus says "love each other as I have loved you".

the alternative1 said...

Yes Kieth you are absolutely right on..we should always remember to interpret the scriptures in the proper time zone...people back then understood life from a community perspective and not an individual perspective...I believe that in the times that we live we are birthed into Gods domaine by his spirit coming into us and his being that comes into us is Mr. Agape..with him in us his love will flow out of us to other humans and back to the where does that leave us? We will be joyous in the flowing of Gods life between us humans and God himself..nothing like being in the spirit dance of the triune God..and there will be no losers.