Friday, August 05, 2016


There are things we know with our heads and hearts that we are still in the process of learning with our hands and our feet.

For example, we may know that God loves us, but we’ve yet to really live as people who are so dearly loved.

Or we may know in our heads that Jesus wants us to trust Him with everything and surrender all that we own to Him, but we are still holding on to a few things that we’re not comfortable letting go of yet.

The good news is that Jesus knows this already. He remembers that we are made of dust. He knows that our flesh is willing but our spirits are weak.

Jesus had mercy on the man who said to him, “I believe Lord, help my unbelief” and didn’t withhold the miracle but showed him mercy in spite of his lack of faith.

One of the most common phrases that Jesus used to refer to his disciples was “you of little faith”, because he was painfully aware that they were less-than perfect.

Just like us.

Jesus knows our hearts. He knows that we struggle sometimes to put our faith into practice, and he has incredible grace for us in those moments of weakness.

But I do believe that he is looking at our hearts and that he is looking for a “want to” somewhere within us. Whether or not we successfully live out the things we know in our heads, we should at least have a desire to do so.

In other words, we should be trying to put His words into practice, even if we fail. When we fall short, we are disappointed. We resolve not to fail in the same way again. We hope for another opportunity to do the right thing the next time we are called upon to live out our faith.

Our aim, our posture, is to lean towards obedience to Christ, not away from it.

So, until we fully know these things with our hands and our feet, we have not yet fully known them as He intends for us to.

That means we have to continually put His words into practice in our daily life until one day we know these things inside, and out.


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