Monday, December 03, 2007

Peace Is So Uncool

Peace Is So Uncool

by Keith Giles

Jesus was a man of peace. He said that those who made peace would be called the Sons of God.

To be someone who loves peace and brings peace and makes peace is to be like the Son of's to be like Jesus.

It's so curious to me that the American Church seems, at least politically, to be Pro-War.

Wouldn't Jesus be surprised at this development? Don't you think He's disappointed in the Church that bears His name?

Jesus said that he was sending us out like lambs among the wolves. It's just not cool to be the lamb is it? Lambs are goofy looking. They don't have any defense mechanism. Even skunks and rabbits have something to fight back with, but lambs can't run fast, dig holes to hide in, scratch with their claws or exude a repulsive odor. They just go "baaaa" and sit there looking wooly.

Without the Shepherd, they're toast actually.

At this time of the year, where the followers of Jesus stop to remember the birth of the King of Kings, the Prince of Peace, let us also remember that the Angels who announced His birth sang of Peace on Earth and Goodwill toward Men.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i admire your determination to save Christ from the cesspool of corporate exploitation and to wrestle him away from the tight and ready fists of
political ideology,