Thursday, November 29, 2012


A few weeks ago I was reflecting on my need for inspiration in my life. I thought
about my half-hearted attitude and lack of passion and I concluded that what I was
missing was someone like Jackie Pullinger or Heidi Baker or Shane Claiborne to
jump start my zeal to serve God.

Almost immediately, I felt the Holy Spirit nudge me and I heard the Lord say,
“No, you don’t. What you need is more of me.”

That made a lot more sense to me, actually. What was missing in my life lately was
simply a more immediate and vibrant connection to Jesus.

Don’t you do that sometimes? When you feel disconnected from God or far away
from the path you tend to gravitate towards a person, or a ministry, or a book, or a
church, or basically anything other than the actual source of life and peace and joy
 – Jesus.

“For He (Jesus) Himself is our peace.” (Ephesians 2:14)

Plain and simple: What I need is more of Jesus. Don’t settle for anything less than the 
author of life.


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