Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Some of you know I've been planning a "Non Conference" for a few months now.

Others of you know that I've even set up a basic website here:

The rest of you may have read about where the idea came from and what makes the Non-Con so different...(It's basically a conference for people who never want to go to another conference me).

Anyway, from the beginning, I knew that I wanted to include Jackie Pullinger in our Non-Con if it was at all possible. She's one of my heroes and having her at our gathering, leading our conversations about compassion, the heart of Jesus for the poor, etc. would just be amazing.

Of course, she's very busy with her work in Hong Kong, she rarely travels to the States anymore, and...uh, did I mention she lives in Hong Kong?


So, today I received a reply from Yvonne, Jackie's assistant, that she would be getting back to me regarding her availability.

As far as I'm concerned we'll schedule the Non-Con depending on when Jackie can join us. The rest of the details can either fall into line behind this schedule or they can wait until the next one.

More details soon at

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