Saturday, May 03, 2008



We were blown away at the non-con. Saturday night I had an amazing dream. I had a spiritual awakening again.

I am still trying to sort out the whole dream. When we got to where we were staying after the NON_CON I went to sleep and had a lot of short choppy dreams. All I remember was throughout the dreams I kept hearing the word ADAMO and I could see the word written out flashing in my mind. I clearly remember a voice telling me to remember this word. I GOOGLED the word and found out this word refers to a Entity-Relationship model, related to high energy physics.

I was tripping out because I have no idea what the heck that is.
If you know me you would realize that I am a simple person. I am still trying to find more out about ADAMO. I did find out that an Entity-Relationship model views the world as consisting of entities and relationships between them where:

An entity is a thing that can be distinctly identified.
A relationship is an association between entities.

I work for a local utility company and my job is to plan jobs for service whether it be residential or commercial. Last week I met a customer that owns a winery about a mile from my home. It just so happens that the name of the winery is ADDAMO. I am not sure what God is doing, but I drive by the estate some times and just pray for the owner.

Besides this great things have been happening ever since we attended the non-con. God really opened something in our lives. I have been learning a lot about the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. I can't see the kingdom and this is all new to me. I believe God is showing me the relationship between the two entities. on earth and the kingdom of God on earth.

I want to see miracles! Healings, dreams, poor fed, and people having radical experiences with God, myself included. Feel free to call me anytime. My wife and I are having a wonderful adventure with God together.

Well done to you and your team! My wife and I are learning Love the one in front of us, and to the side of us.

-Brad and Veronica Leach, Santa Maria, California

1 comment:

Pam Hogeweide said...

wine is sometimes a metaphor for relational intimacy. song of solomon uses wine to describe love. jesus turned water to wine at a wedding, which is very interesting. god seems to really like weddings.

and wine is of course a powerful metaphor for the holy spirit...

i wonder if his dream is not about a specific winery (like addamo) but rather a parable for him in regards to spiritual intimacy and the love of God...

just a thought......

i love how you call this conf NON....yes!