
Friday, July 07, 2017

REGISTER TODAY: Jesus Untangled: North Carolina


Join authors Keith Giles (founder of Pacifist Fight Club) and Herb Montgomery (founder of Renewed Heart Ministries) as they lead an important discussion about faith, politics and American Christianity.
While Herb and Keith both know and love one another - and have served together in various capacities over the years - this event will be the first time they have ever presented differing viewpoints on the main theme.
Keith's latest book, "Jesus Untangled:Crucifying Our Politics To Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb", takes the position that mixing faith and politics compromises the Gospel of the Kingdom and distracts Christians from their one true calling and purpose - to change the world by living and preaching the Gospel that transforms people from the inside out.
Herb's perspective is that Christians are called to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and to share in their sufferings - even as far as advocating alongside those marginalized voices - and working to provide solutions that are both spiritual and political.

While Keith and Herb both take a slightly different perspective on this issue, they are not engaging in a formal debate. This is a conversation, and it is one that they both invite you to have with them at this special event.
In these unique and highly interactive series of presentations, Keith and Herb will communicate their views in detail and invite attendees to ask questions and engage with them on the issues discussed.
Our hope is that everyone will leave feeling encouraged, inspired and challenged to live out their faith in a more radical and intentional way.
How do we impact our culture? What is the best way to serve our community and love our neighbors as ourselves? What would Jesus call us to do as ambassadors of His Kingdom?
Can we really change the world through politics? Does the Kingdom of God advance through political means? Are justice and politics the same, or are they two different things?
These questions are important to address. Our mission as a Church is vital to the culture and to the Body of Christ.
Join us as we wrestle with these questions - and many more - on August 19th.

About our facilitators:
Herb Montgomery is an internationally recognized speaker, and director of Renewed Heart Ministries. He is the author of the book, “Finding the Father” and is passionate about following the radical, non-violent, enemy-loving example of Jesus, and that includes speaking up about the injustices faced by racial minorities, the poor and the LGBTQ community.
Keith Giles is an author, blogger, teacher and servant of Jesus living in Orange County, California. He and his wife, Wendy, and their two sons started a house church in 2006 where 100% of the offering goes to help the poor in their community and no one takes a salary and no one leads the meeting except Jesus.
He is also the founder of Pacifist Fight Club and has contributed chapters to other books, including "Simple Church:Unity In Diversity" and "Renewing The Christian Mind: Interviews, Essays and Talks by Dallas Willard".

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