
Wednesday, February 08, 2017

BOOK UPDATE: Jesus Untangled

My book has been #1 in Christian Theology/Ethics on Amazon for the last 2 weeks! Plus, we've nearly sold out of our first print run, according to Amazon we only have 7 copies left in paperback.

DON'T WORRY! My publisher says we'll restock immediately to fulfill orders. So, we're all good. 

But the sales have been great. We're also a "Hot New Release" on Amazon in our category. 

So far I've recorded a bunch of radio and podcast interviews about my book.

*RealTalk Radio was a 2 hour live call-in show. That was awesome.

*Unchurching Podcast was a 2 part interview that really came out great.

*A ViewFrom The Bunker with Derek Gilbert was an hour long interview.

*NotYour Pastor's Podcast was with 2 guys in Flint, Michigan. That was a lot of fun.

*Brandon Andress' Outside The Walls podcast was awesome. I love his podcast and secondly the talk really went in new territory that my other interviews haven't gone yet. [link coming soon]

*Eric Nevin's Halfway There podcast was also a great one. He focused more on my testimony but we did get around to the book too.

Coming up: I've got one interview with Kurt Jaros called "Veracity Hill" [link coming soon]

The endorsements keep coming in too. So far I've got really great quotes and recommendation quotes from:

*David Ruis
*Brant Hansen
*Jon Zens
*Neil Cole
*Brandon Andress
*Richard Jacobson
*Benjamin L. Corey
*Kenny Burchard
*Brad Jersak
*Jeremy Myers
*Ross Rohde

And more are on the way!


*Relevant Magazine is interviewing me for feature in an upcoming issue. Details on that coming soon.

*UnConference - Nashville, TN, Summer 2017 - This is in the planning and discussion stages. Hope to share more on this one very soon.

*Texas "Untangled" Conference - Sometime in the Fall of 2017, possibly alongside Greg Boyd who wrote the Foreword to my book. Details soon.

*With the possible repeal of the Johnson Amendment, some local news [and one in Nashville] may contact me for quotes and/or interview/responses from the perspective of a Christian who is not in favor of the repeal. This could be super awesome. If it really happens you'll hear about it here!

*Other conferences and speaking opportunities: I'm currently working to see about possibly speaking at local Christian Universities on the topic of Entanglement and the dangers of mixing faith and politics. Pray that the Lord might open those doors for me.

Thanks for all your prayers and support! I really do believe that the Lord inspired me to write this book early last year because He knew how important and necessary the book would be this year. 

I'll share more testimonies in future posts that I've received from people who have read the book and been set free from entanglements to politics. 

We'll talk more soon!


1 comment:

  1. That's absolutely awesome Keith. Super excited for you and how the Lord is using you.
