
Thursday, August 25, 2016

5 MINUTE VIDEO: Discipleship [Part 1] with Keith Giles

Take 5 minutes and listen to Keith talk about Discipleship in this new "5 Minute Video" series of talks about what it means to follow Jesus.


  1. Hi Keith,

    How true it is that we disciple each other. As the scripture says, "Iron sharpens Iron." Also, it is necessary for us as disciples to grow in the word to continue to disciple others.

    Thank You and God Bless You

  2. Keith I totally agree with you Being a disciple can only can make disciple to me discipleship is a process it's worth being in the process rather than come out of the process being a disciple builds a dynamic relationship of course with our Lord and our Master Lord Jesus Christ I'm blessed by the clip God bless
    Vilbert Vallance

  3. Yes--If you have received Jesus into you as your deliverer from the the captivity of satanism then you are now in the captivity of God and He will discipline you into His ways and it will take time.

  4. I SO agree with you and Pete - the idea of mutuality in discipleship is usually missing. I disciple you and you disciple me - no hierarchy!

    - J
