
Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I have a lot of great friends. One of them is Kent Williamson. He was the first guy to introduce me to Christian Alternative Rock music when I was in college. He played bass later on in my Christian Rock Band. He's probably the reason I ended becoming a walking encyclopedia of 90's Alternative Rock Music, which is why I got my job at Diamante Music Group about 20 years ago, which is why I ended up moving to California.

It's a pretty amazing thing.

And now, I am blessed to watch his latest documentary film: "Stained Glass Rainbows".

This film will not serve to reinforce your views on this topic - regardless of what your views may be.

Director Kent Williamson has assembled an excellent cross section of subjects to interview for his film - from Westboro Baptist Church "God Hates Fags" Christians, to "I'm Ok/You're Ok" Liberal Christian Pastors, and everything in between.

By that I mean: Christians who are gay and struggle with it as part of their sinful nature, and Christians who are gay and feel that it is part of who their loving Jesus made them to be.

Everyone interviewed brings a fresh, and challenging range of ideas and thoughts to the table. No one stands out as having all of the right answers, and some of the most profound statements made come from the mouths of those whom you would probably find yourself surprised to agree with.

I highly recommend this film to anyone who is a Christian and is interested in understanding every possible angle of this dialog.

Even if this film doesn't change your mind, it will certainly move the needle closer to the heart of understanding what it means to be gay, and to be a Christian, and how our calling to love one another can be more fully and perfectly practiced within the Body of Christ.

To learn more, and to buy your copy of the DVD for your church or home group discussion go to

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