
Friday, August 29, 2014

[Subversive Radio] Round Table: Cole, Zens, Montgomery, Williamson

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ROUND TABLE DIALOG: What are some common misconceptions about House Church and What makes a House Church work?

Join Herb Montgomery, Jon Zens, Neil Cole and Kent Williamson in our first ever Round Table Discussion about House Church and Organic Church.


  1. I like the way you guys are talking about what organic church looks like...I sense The Lord telling me it's just a group of humans that gather together and allow his spirit being to move amongst each one to share with each other what he is doing inside of each one and then we are learning what's it's like to be transformed by his Indwelling presence...I might add that the one thing that I feel we should do to create unity is to keep the arguments over bible interpretations out of the group and only to talk about what The Lord is actively doing in each of our lives.

  2. Marshall12:36 PM

    this is encouraging to hear. so glad to be seeing some of the little gatherings moving forward out-from basic hang-ups.

  3. I thought this was so good, I've highlighted it on my own blog: Being the Church.

  4. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I heard mention this "man of peace " what is this man of peace in referring to in relation to evangelism or having them in your meeting, it was also mentioned some were else in reference to a person who had a home church group that this group meet at the person's house who was a person of peace. I have been given specific word to myself that I am a peace officer. My biological father was a police officer by trade, I am not nor do I look to become a police officer as in a vocational job. So I believe it's in reference to one of my spiritual attribute of who I am in the kingdom of God. Thanks for your help.

  5. Thanks for sharing. Those guys have some great ideas. I do a lot of writing about participatory, simple, organic, sermon-free, open mic church @

  6. Eric Chen4:47 PM

    This was quite a powerhouse round table.

    Looking forward to more ahead!
