Just wanted to give some more details about what our family is doing this week in our community and how you can pray for us.
The KID'S CLUB starts tomorrow night for the kids on our
street. Our theme is J.O.Y. - Jesus, Others and You.
We'll cover each topic one night at a time, starting with
"Jesus" and ending with "You" on Saturday night. On Sunday
evening we'll have the parents join us outside in the front yard where we'll
have their kids recite their memory verses, play games with the parents, and
eat hot dogs together.
After we're all done on Sunday night I'll be passing out
flyers and inviting the adults to join us on Thursday evenings in our home.
These meetings will be about finding answers to their questions about the
Bible, and about who Jesus was, how we know the Bible is true, how we know
Jesus really rose from the dead, etc. After the first few meetings where we
cover those bigger questions about Christianity we'll open it up to answering
their own personal questions about God, Jesus, etc. After this, if anyone is still interested in
continuing to meet together, we'll move on to a study of the Gospel of John.
I sincerely ask you to pray for us as we put together the
KID'S CLUB this week, and also for the "Questions Answered" meetings
that might follow.
As many of you know, our family has always felt that God
had called us - not only to start a church in our home - but also to become
missionaries to our neighbors. We've been there for over 6 years now and over
that time we've slowly built relationships with our neighbors and we believe
that the time might be right to take this extra step towards inviting people
into our home to learn more about Jesus and hopefully begin to follow Him and
trust Him with their lives.
Your prayers are very, very necessary in this, I believe.
Thank you for standing with us as we take this step of obedience and faith.
Will pray, Keith! Love that you're doing this. Blessings.