
Friday, August 03, 2012

Reader Review: "The Power of Weakness"

Over on Facebook Kimberly Otero Reece posted the following review:

""The Power of Weakness" by Keith Giles is an amazing book and one I highly recommend.

Having experienced one of the most difficult things I have ever faced in my life over the past ten months and feeling as if I needed to be strong and plaster a smile on my face each and every day, I was shocked and amazed simply reading chapter one.

Keith then goes on to name those in the Bible that God has used despite their weakness!
I was blessed and now I am re-reading "The Power of Weakness" again, slower this time, hoping I can read without tears.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9"

The theme of this ebook is that God loves to do extraordinary things through ordinary people. In fact, the more ordinary the better.

What blesses me most about this is the fact that I almost didn't publish this book. After writing it about 3 years ago and putting it on the back burner, I only decided to publish it as an ebook on Amazon after a friend suggested I try out their Kindle Express publishing plan.

Reading this review really blesses me. I'm thrilled that God has used this little ebook to bless Kimberly, and many others.

If you haven't downloaded the book at Amazon yet you can do so here>

Let me know if you've read the book and if it was a blessing to you.

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