
Sunday, December 06, 2009


Today is nearly over (and by the time most of you read this it will already be Monday morning) but today (Sunday) was a very amazing day for me.

I got to bring a message to the church that God is building in the back parking lot of a motel where my wife and children started serving about 7 years ago. I shared with them about how the Church is a Body, a Family, and a Bride.

I reminded them that God is the one who is building the church and not any of us. I reminded them that we are called to be a Body where we honor one another, and we each are a necessary part of the Body. We need one another. We belong to one another. God is the one who is building us - His Body - into a spiritual house of living stones for His Glory.

I reminded them that we are called to love one another. To wash one another's feet. And that we are not blessed when we know these things - we are blessed when we do them.

After I sat down next to Christy - the mother of little Tina and Michael - they announced that she will be baptized into the family of God next Sunday. I turned and looked at her with surprising joy. From the beginning, Christy's little son and daughter have been so dear to my heart. They are both so quiet and shy, although over the years they have warmed up to us and have opened their hearts to us as we have loved them and served them consistently.

As I drove home today I couldn't help but sing praises to God for this great work in this family, and in this most unlikely place to plant a church - in the back parking lot of a poverty motel in Santa Ana, under a canopy of E-Z Ups on the dirty black top, next to a fence facing an alleyway.

We lifted up the name of Jesus. We claimed that place for His Kingdom. We acknowledged that Jesus was Lord of that place and that it (and we) fully belonged to Him alone.

I can't wait to see what God does next....

Good night!

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